Our Customers’ Publications

BioTester Journal Publications
JetValve: Rapid manufacturing of biohybrid scaffolds for biomimetic heart valve replacement.
A.K. Capulli, M.Y. Emmert, F.S. Pasqualini, D. Kehl, E. Caliskan, J.U. Lind, S. P. Sheehy, S.J. Park, S. Ahn, B. Weber, J.A. Goss, S.P Hoerstrup, K.K. Parker.
Limb flexion-induced twist and associated intramural stresses in the human femoropopliteal artery.
A. Desyatova, W. Poulson, P. Deegan, C. Lomneth, A. Seas, K. Maleckis, J. MacTaggart, A. Kamenskiy.
In situ heart valve tissue engineering using a bioresorbable elastomeric implant – From material design to 12 months follow-up in sheep.
J. Kluin, H. Talacua, A.I.P.M. Smits, M. Y. Emmert, M.C.P. Brugmans, E.S. Fioretta, P.E. Dijkman, S.H.M. Sontjens, R.Duijvelshoff, S. Dekker, M.W.J.T. Janssen-van den Broek, V. Lintas, A. Vink, S.P. Hoerstrup, H.M. Janssen, P.Y.W. Dankers, F.P.T. Baaijens, C.V.C. Bouten.
Production of Synthetic, Para-Aramid and Biopolymer Nanofibers by Immersion Rotary Jet-Spinning.
G.M. Gonzalez, L.A. MacQueen, J.U. Lind, S.A. Fitzgibbons, C. O. Chantre, I. Huggler, H.M. Golecki, J.A. Goss, K.K. Parker.
Biomechanical Characterization of Ascending Aortic Aneurysms.
M. Smoljkic, H. Fehervary, P. Van den Bergh, A. Jorge-Penas, L. Kluyskens, S. Dymarkowski, P. Verbrugghe, B. Meuris, J. Vander Sloten, N. Famaey.
Quantification of Coupled Stiffness and Fiber Orientation Remodeling in Hypertensive Rat Right-Ventricular Myocardium Using 3D Ultrasound Speckle Tracking with Biaxial Testing.
D.W. Park, A. Sebastiani, C.H. Yap, M.A. Simon, K. Kim.
Biaxial quantification of deep layer transverse carpal ligament elastic properties by sex and region.
B. Mathers, A. Agur, M. Oliver, K. Gordon.
The choice of a constitutive formulation for modeling limb flexion-induced deformations and stresses in the human femoropopliteal arteries of different ages.
A. Desyatova, J. MacTaggart, W. Poulson, P. Deegan, C. Lomneth, A. Sandip, A. Kamenskiy.
Constitutive description of human femoropopliteal artery aging.
A. Kamenskiy, A. Seas, P. Deegan, W. Poulson, E. Anttila, S. Sim, A. Desyatova, J. MacTaggart.
Characterization of three-dimensional anisotropic heart valve tissue mechanical properties using inverse finite element analysis.
M. Abbasi, M.S. Barakat, K. Vanhidkhah, A.N. Azadani.
Planar biaxial testing of heart valve cusp replacement biomaterials: Experiments, theory and material constants.
M.R. Labrosse, R. Jafar, J.Ngu, M. Boodhwani.
Improved Geometry of Decellularized Tissue Engineered Heart Valves to Prevent Leaflet Retraction.
B. Sanders, S. Loerakker, E.S. Fioretta, D.J.P. Bax, A. Driessen-Mol, S.P. Hoerstrup, F.P.T. Baaijens.
The Effect of Local Hydration Environment on the Mechanical Properties and Unloaded Temporal Changes of Isolated Porcine Annular Samples.
K.M. Gruevski, C.E. Gooyers, T. Karakolis, J.P. Callaghan.
Patient Specific Vascular Benchtop Models for Development and Validation of Medical Devices for Minimally Invasive Procedures.
M. Kvasnysia, N. Famaey, M. Bohm, E. Verhoelst.
Phototactic guidance of a tissue-engineered soft-robotic ray.
S-J. Park, M. Gazzola, K.S. Park, S. Park, V. DiSanto, E.L. Blevins, J.U. Lind, P.H. Campbell, S. Dauth, K.K. PArker.
Age-Dependent Changes in Geometry, Tissue Composition and Mechanical Properties of Fetal to Adult Cryopreserved Human Heart Valves.
D. van Geeman, A.L.F. Soares, P.J.M. Oomen, A. Dressen-Mol. Janssen van den Broek, A.J. van den Bogaerdt, J.J.C. Bogers, M-J.T.H. Goumans, F.P.T. Baajens, C.V.C. BOuten.
Acute pergolide exposure stiffens engineered valve interstitial cell tissues and reduces contractility in vitro.
A.K. Capulli, L.A. MacQueen, B.B O’Conner, S. Dauth, K.K. Parker.
Deposition of a hydrophilic nanocomposite-based coating on a silicone hydrogel through a laser process to minimize UV exposure and bacterial contamination.
G. Huang, W.H. Tse, J. Zhang.
Peak stress in the annulus fibrosis under cyclic biaxial tensile loading.
C.E. Gooyers, J.P. Callaghan.
The aging disc: using an ovine model to examine age-related differences in the biomechanical properties of the intralamellar matrix of single lamellae.
D.M. Stewart, L.A. Monaco, D.E. Gregory.
Modulation of collaen fiber orientation by strain-controlled enzymatic degradation.
S. Ghazanfari, A. Dressen-Mol, C.V.C. Bouten, F.P.T. Baajens.
Are adipose-derived stem cells cultivated in human platelet lysate suitable for heart valve tissue engineering.
L. Frese, T. Sasse, B. Sanders, F.P.T. Baajiens, G.M. Beer, S.P. Hoerstrup.
Biomechanical properties and microstructure of heart chambers: a paired comparison study in an ovine model.
S. Javani, M. Gordon, A.N. Azadani.
Nanocomposited coatings produced by laser-assisted process to prevent silicone hydrogels from protein fouling and bacterial contamination.
G. Huang, Y. Chen, J. Zhang.
Inflation and bi-axial tensile testing of healthy porcine carotid arteries.
R.W. Boekhoven, M.F.J. Peters, M.C.M. Rutten, M.R. van Sambeek, F.N. van de Vosee, R.G.P. Lopata.
A comparison between porcine, ovine, and bovine intervertebral disc anatomy and single lamella annulus fibrosis tensile properties.
GL.A. Monaco, S.J. DeWitte-Orr, D.E. Gregory.
Development of non-cell adhesive vascular grafts using supramolecular building blocks.
G.C. van Almen, H. Talacua, B.D. Ippel, B.B. Mollet, M. Ramaekers, M. Simonet, A.I.P.M. Smits, C.V.C. Bouten, J. Kluin, P.Y.W. Dankers.
Biaxial stress relaxation of semilunar heart valve leaflets during simulated collagen catabolism: effects of collagenase concentration and equibiaxial strain state.
S. Huang, H-Y. S. Huang.
Leaflet stress and strain distributions following incomplete transcatheter aortic valve expansion.
M. Abbasi, A.N. Azadani.
Improved geometry of decellularized tissue engineered heart valves to prevent leaflet retraction.
B. Sanders, S. Loerakker, E.S. Fioretta, D.J.P. Bax, A. Driessen-Mol, S.P. Hoerstrup, F.P.T Baaijens.
Adipose derived tissue engineered heart valve.
L. Frese, B. Sanders, G.M. Beer, B. Weber, A. Driessen-Mol, F.P.T. Baaijens, S.P. Hoerstrup.
Superior tissue evolution in slow degrading scaffolds for valvular tissue engineering.
M. Brugmans, S. Soekhradj-Soechit, D. van Geemen, M.A.J. Cox, C. Bouten, F.P.T. Baaijens, A. Driessen-Mol.
Building a better infarct: Modulation of collagen cross-linking to increase infarct stiffness and reduce left ventricular dilation post-myocardial infarction.
A.P. Voorhees, K.Y. DeLeon-Pennell, Y. Ma, G.V. Halade, A. Yabluchanskiy, R. Padmanabhan, E. Flynn, C.A. Cates, M.L. Lindsey, H.-C. Han.
The Biomechanics of Eyelid Tarsus Tissue.
M.T. Sun, D. Pham, A.J. O’Conner, J. Wood, R. Casson, D. Selva, J.J. Costi.
Regional and depth variability of porcine meniscal mechanical properties through biaxial testing.
A. Kahlon, M.B. Hurtig, K.D. Gordon.
Nanocomposite silicone hydrogels with a laser-assisted surface modification for inhibiting the growth of baterial biofilm.
P. Yin, G.B. Huang, W.H. Tse, Y.G. Bao, J. Denstedt, J. Zhang.
Development of a biological scaffold engineered using the extracellular matrix secreted by skeletal muscle cells.
S.A. Hurd, N.M. Bhatti, A.M. Walker, B.M. Kasukonis, J.C. Wolchok.
High-irradiance CXL combined with myopic LASIK: flap and residual stroma biomechanical properties studied ex-vivo.
A.J. Kanellopoulos, G. Asimelis, B. Salvador-Culla, J. Chodosh, J.B. Ciolino.
Corneal collagen cross-linking combined with simulation of femtosecond laser-assisted refractive lens extraction: an ex vivo biomechanical effect evaluation.
A.J. Kanellopoulos, M.A. Kontos, S. Chen, G. Asimellis.
Methods for using 3-D ultrasound speckle tracking in biaxial mechanical testing of biological tissue samples.
C.H. Yap, D.W. Park, D. Dutta, M. Simon, K. Kim.
The biaxial biomechanical behavior of adominal aortic aneurysm tissue.
S.A. O’Leary, D.A. Healey, E.G. Kavangh, M.T. Walsh, T.M. McGloughlin, B.J. Doyle.
Structural and mechanical adaptations of right ventrical free wall myocardium to pressure overload.
M.R. Hill, M.A. Simon, D. Valdez-Jasso, H.C. Champion, M.S. Sacks
Modeling the impact of scaffold architecture and mechanical loading on collagen turnover in engineered cardiovascular tissues.
G. Argento, N. de Jonge, S.H.M. Sontjens, C.W.J. Oomans, C.V.C. Bouten, F.P.T. Baaijens
Cardiac Function of the Naked Mole-Rat: Echophysiological Responses to Working Underground.
K.M. Grimes, A. Voorhees, Y.A. Chiao, H-C. Han, M.L. Lindsey, R. Buffenstein.
Should a native depth-dependent distribution of human meniscus constitutive components be considered in FEA-models of the knee joint?
J.M. Parraga Quiroga, P. Emmans, W. Wilson, K. Ito, C.C. van Donkelaar.
Directional Biomechanical Properties of Porcine Skin Tissue.
H-Y. Huang, S. Huang, C.P. Frazier, P.M. Prim, O. Harrysson.
Vascular Elastography: A Validation Study.
R.G.P. Lopata, M.F.J. Peters, J. Nijs, C.W. Oomens, M.C.M. Rutten, F.N. van de Vosse.
Strain-dependent modulation of macrophage polarization within scaffolds.
V. Ballotta, A. Dressen-Mol, C.V.C. Bouten, F.P.T Baaijens.
The impact of long term freezing on the mechanical properties of porcine aortic tissue.
S.A. O’Leary, B. Doyle, T. McGloughlin.
The biaxial mechanical behaviour of abdominal aortic aneurysm intraluminal thrombus: Classification of morphology and the determination of layer and region specific properties.
S.A. O’Leary, E.G. Cavanaugh, P.A. Grace, T.M. McGloughlin, B.J. Doyle.
A Nanocomposite Contact Lens for the Delivery of Hydrophilic Protein Drugs.
J. Zhang, R. Bi, W. Hodge, P. Yin, W.H. Tse.
Mechanical Analysis of Ovine and Pediatric Pulmonary Artery for Heart Valve Stent Design.
M.S. Cabrera, C.W.J. Oomens, C.V.C. Bouten, A.J.J.C. Bogers, S.P. Hoerstrup, F.P.T. Baaijens.
In Vitro Fabrication of Autologous Living Tissue-Engineered Vascular Grafts Based on Prenatally Harvested Ovine Amniotic Fluid-Derived Stem Cells.
B. Weber, D. Kehl, U. Bleul, S. Sammut, L. Frese, A. Ksiazek,J. Achermann, G. Stranzinger, J. Robert, B. Sanders, M. Sidler, C.E. Brokopp, S.T. Proulx, T. Frauenfelder, R. Schoenauer, M.Y. Emmert, V. Falk, S.P. Herstrup.
Mechanics of the Pulmonary Valve in the Aortic Position.
A.L.F. Soares, D. van Geeman, A.J. van den Bogaerdt, C.W.J. oomens, C.V.C Bouten, F.P.T. Baaijens.
Corneal Resistance to Shear Forces After UVA-Riboflavin Cross-Linking.
Sondergaard, A.P., Ivarsen, A., Hjortdal, J.
Comparison of Methods Used to Measure the Thickness of Soft Tissues and their Influence on the Evaluation of Tensile Stress.
O’Leary, S.A., Doyle, B.J., McGloughlin, T.M.
Reduction of Stromal Swelling Pressure after UVA-Riboflavin Cross-Linking.
Sondergaard, A.P., Ivarsen, A., and Hjortdal, J.
Biomechanical Properties of the Transverse Carpal Ligament Under Biaxial Strain.
Holmes, M.W.R., Howarth, S.J., Callaghan, J.P., Keir, P.J.
An Examination of the Mechanical Properties of the Annulus Fibrosus: The Effect of Vibration on the Intra-lamellar Matrix Strength.
Gregory, D.E., Callaghan, J.P.
Multi-Scale Mechanical Characterization of Scaffolds for Heart Valve Tissue Engineering.
Argento, G., Simonet, M., Oomens, C.W.J., Baaijens, F.P.T.
Application of Simple Biomechanical and Biochemical Tests to Heart Valve Leaflets: Implications for Heart Valve Characterization and Tissue Engineering.
Huang, H-Y., Balhouse, B.N., Huang, S.
A Murine Experimental Model for the Mechanical Behavior of Viable Right-Ventricular Myocardium.
Valdez-Jasso, D., Simon, M.A., Champion, H.C., Sacks, M.S.
Surfactant Assisted Incorporation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Into a Chitosan-polyvinylpyrrolidone Polymer.
Davis, T., Zhang, J., Herrera, J.E.
Does Vibration Influence the Initiation of Intervertebral Disc Herniation?: An Examination of Herniation Occurance Using a Porcine Cervical Disc Model.
Gregory, D.E., Callaghan, J.P.
A Comparison of Uniaxial and Biaxial Mechanical Properties of the Annulus Fibrosus: A Porcine Model.
Gregory, D.E., Callaghan, J.P.
Novel Lap Test Determines the Mechanics of Delamination Between Annular Lamellae of the Intervertebral Disc.
Gregory, D.E., Veldhuis, J.H., Horst, C.R., Brodland, G.W., Callaghan, J.P.
Effects of Sclera Stiffness Properties on Optic Nerve Head Biomechanics. Annals of Biomedical Engineering.
Eilaghi, A., Flanagan, J.G., Simmons, C.A., Ethier, C.R.
An Examination of the Influence of Strain Rate on Subfailure Mechanical Properties of the Annulus Fibrosus.
Gregory, D.E., Callaghan, J.P.
Biaxial Mechanical Testing of Human Sclera.
Eilaghi, A., Flanagan, J.G., Tertinegg, I., Simmons, C.A., Brodland, G.W., Ethier, C.R.
Strain Uniformity in Biaxial Specimens is Highly Sensitive to Attachment Details.
Eilaghi, A., Flanagan, J.G., Brodland, G.W., Ethier, C.R.
Fabrication of Nanofiber Reinforced Protein Structures For Tissue Engineering.
Beachley, V., Wen, X.

MicroSquisher Journal Publications
The physical basis of coordinated tissue spreading in zebrafish gastrulation.
H. Morita, S. Grigolon, M. Bock, S.F.G. Krens, G. Salbreux, C-P. Heisenberg.
A three-dimensional spheroidal cancer model based on PEG-fibrinogen hydrogel microspheres.
S.Pradhan, J. M. Clary, D. Seliktar, E. A. Lipke.
Decellularized adipose tissue microcarriers as a dynamic culture platform for human adipose-derived stem/stromal cell expansion.
C. Yu, A. Kornmuller, C. Brown, T. Hoare, L.E. Flynn.
An Injectable Hydrogel Prepared Using a PEG/Vitamin E Copolymer Facilitating Aqueous-Driven Gelation.
J. Zhang, B. Muirhead, M. Dodd, L. Liu, N. Mangiacotte, T. Hoare, S. Sheardown.
Delivery of Human Adipose Stem Cells Spheroids into Lockyballs.
K.R. Silva, R.A. Rezende, F.D.A.S. Pereira, P. Gruber, M.P. Stuart, A. Ovsianikov, K. Brakke, V. Kasyanov, J.V.L. da Silva, J.M. Granjeiro, L.S. Baptista, V. Mironov.
Direct Production of Human Cardiac Tissues by Pluripotent Stem Cell Encapsulation in Gelatin Methacryloyl.
P. Kerscher, J.A. Kaczmarek, S.E. Head, M. Brazel, W. Seeto, S. Bhattacharya, J. Kim, V. Suppiramaniam, E.A. Lipke.
PEG-fibrinogen Hydrogels for Three-dimensional Breast Cancer Cell Culture.
S. Pradhan, I. Hassani, W.J. Seeto, E.A. Lipke.
Reactive eletrospinning of degradable poly(oligoethylene glycol methacrylate)-based nanofibrous hydrogel networks.
F. Xu, H. Sheardown, T. Hoare.
Mineral particles modulate osteo-chondrogenic differentiation of embryonic stem cell aggregates.
Y. Wang, X. Yu, C. Baker, W.L. Murphy, T.C. McDevitt.
Burr-like, laser-made 3D microscaffolds for tissue spheroid encagement.
P. Danilevicius, R.A. Rezende, F.D.A.S. Pereira, A. Selimis, V. Kasyanov, P.Y. Noritomi, J.V.L. da Silva, M. Chatzinikolaidou, M. Farsari, V. Mironov.
Mesenchymal morphogenesis of embryonic stem cells dynamically modulates the biophysical microtissue niche.
Kinney, M.A., M., Saeed, R., McDevitt, T.C.
Alginate Encapsulation Parameters Influence the Differentiation of Microencapsulated Embryonic Stem Cell Aggregates.
Wilson, J.L., Ali Naijia, M., Saeed, R., McDevitt, T.C.
Stiffening of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Spheroid Microenvironments Induced by Incorporation of Gelatin Microparticles. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials.
Baraniak, P.R., Cooke, M.T., Saeed, R., Kinney, M.A., Fridley, K.M., McDevitt, T.C.
Cellular Interfacial and Surface Tensions Determined From Aggregate Compression Tests Using a Finite Element Model.
Brodland, G.W., Yang, J., Sweny, J.

UStretch Journal Publications
Material Properties from Air Puff Corneal Deformation by Numerical Simulations on Model Corneas.
N. Bekesi, C. Dorronsoro, A. de la Hoz, S. Marcos.
Development of an infusion bioreactor for the accelerated preparation of decellularized skeletal muscle scaffolds.
B.M. Kasukonis, J.T. Kim, T.A. Washington, J.C. Wolchok.
The global mechanical properties and multi-scale failure mechanics of heterogeneous human stratum corneum.
X. Liu, J. Cleary, G.K. German.
High-irradiance CXL combined with myopic LASIK: flap and residual stroma biomechanical properties studied ex-vivo.
A.J. Kanelloploulos, G. Asimellis, B. Salvador-Culla, J. Chodosh, J.B. Ciolino.
Development of a biological scaffold engineered using the extracellular matrix secreted by skeletal muscle cells
S.A. Hurd, N.M. Bhatti, A.M. Walker, B.M. Kasukonis, J.C. Wolchok.
Intrastromal Application of Riboflavin for Corneal Crosslinking
T.G. Seiler, T. Senfft, G. Schmidinger, T. Seiler.
Ustretch White Paper

MechanoCulture Journal Publications
Additive manufacturing of a photo-cross-linkable polymer via direct meld electrospinning writing for producing high strength structures.
F. Chen, G. Hochleitner, J. Groll, P. Dalton, B.G. Amsden
MCB1 White Paper

UniVert Classroom Curriculum